

VMU-C EM is a modular system that records, monitors and transmits analog and digital signals from an industrial, commercial or residential installation with a specific focus on energy efficiency.

The system includes a web server with a powerful and intuitive user interface to monitor data and set up the system.

Data can be transmitted using various protocols (FTP, HTTP, Modbus TCP/IP) and via wired or wireless connection.

VMU-C EM is the main VMU-C EM system module. It is a micro PC pre-installed with a web server with pages viewable via browser.

It monitors the system, recording and transmitting energy meters data.

It communicates via various communication protocols (FTP, HTTP, Modbus TCP/IP) in wired connection. If connected to the dongle modem (VMU-D module + USB dongle modem) it also communicates via wireless 3G mobile network.

If set in the system, it controls modules to manage analog variables (VMU-P) and digital inputs and outputs (VMU-O). Control can be direct via local bus or indirect via Modbus RTU serial communication with the VMU-M EM module.


• Micro-PC with web server

• Adaptive database according to connected meters (up to 100 meters)

• Managed variables: DC and AC electrical variables (kWh, kvarh, kW, kvar, kVA, V, A), THD, PF

• Other managed data: analogue variables, digital inputs/ outputs, utility meters and totalizers

• Local storage of system data and event for up to 30 years

• Backup on external devices

• Communication ports: RS485 Modbus RTU, Ethernet, local bus, mini-USB

• Supported protocols: FTP, DP(Data Push), HTTP, Modbus TCP/IP, SMTP

• Friendly user interface accessible via standard web browser

• Free integrated software updates, easy to download and install via web interface

• 2-DIN size

• IoT Ready. VMU-C EM is “Microsoft Azure Certified for IoT”. M



• Record and display meters and accessory module data

• Monitor data according to user needs

• Manage alarms

• Transmit logged data to external systems on the local or distributed network

• Set up the entire system

Additional information
