

The master channel generator SH2DUG24 provides the channel generator output drive for a “traditional” Dupline® network in a smartDupline® system, which is controlled by the Sx2WEB24.

Together with a Sx2WEB24, it substitutes a BH8-CTRLX230, a BH8-CTRLZ-230 or a G38x0xx master generator. Each Sx2WEB24 can be connected up to 7 master channel generators (the sum of SH2MCG24, SH2DUG24 and SH2WBU230 is 7) in order to have 7 Dupline® and smart Dupline® networks. All the devices are connected via an internal bus if they are in the same cabinet, or via terminals if they are mounted on different cabinets.

Each SH2DUG24 must have an address that has to be programmed using the Sx tool.


• Dupline® master channel generator

• 2-DIN housing

• Up to 7 SH2DUG24 can be connected on the same network, taking into consideration the sum of SH2DUG24, SH2MCG24 and SH2WBU230

• Connection to SH2WEB24 via internal bus or terminals via the high speed bus.

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