

A metal oxide varistor (MOV) is a voltage dependent resistor with a symmetrical V/I characteristics curve whose resistance decreases with increasing voltage.

Varistors are ideally suited for protecting sensitive electronic circuits and components (power semiconductors) against voltage transients caused either by the mains or by other application parts.

Connected in parallel with the electronic device that is to be guarded, they form a low resistance shunt when voltage increases and thus prevent any further V/I in the over voltage.

Type Selection

3-phase mains without neutral

Mains Uc Type No. Epcos AVX Nippon Chemi-Con ACPA/ Song Long
230 V 710 RV 02 SIOV-S20K275 VF20M10431K TND 20V-431 431KD20
400 V 1120 RV 04 SIOV-S20K420 VF20M10681K TND 20V-681 681KD20
480 V 1355 RV 05 SIOV-S20K510 VF20M10821K TND 20V-821 821KD20
600 V 1650 RV 06 SIOV-S20K635 VF20M10102K TND20V-102 102KD20
660 V 1815 RV 07 SIOV-S20K680 TND20V-112 112KD20
120/240 710 RV 02 SIOV-S20K275 VF20M10431K TND 20V-431 431KD20
230/400 710 RV 02 SIOV-S20K275 VF20M10431K TND 20V-431 631KD20
400/690 1120 RV 04 SIOV-S20K420 VF20M10681K TND 20V-681 681KD20

Additional information
