

XAP 1.0 is a rugged and compact controller designed as a powerful IIoT gateway and a programmable unit for building automation functions.

It is empowered by a configurable web interface which makes it an outstanding HMI without screen.

It integrates the standard IEC 61131 PLC (Codesys), so that any building automation function can be programmed by means of a standard and well-known tool.

Together with the UWP platform, XAP 1.0 delivers a complete solution in building automation from the management level down to the field level.

The powerful software Wizard permits an easy setup of graphic pages, functions and protocols.



• Integration. XAP 1.0 includes all the tools to set up and operate building automation functions

• Scalability. Together with the UWP 3.0 platform, it offers a complete solution from top to bottom to manage an efficient building

• Openness. XAP 1.0 can be easily programmed and connected to other devices thanks to standards such as CODESYS, OPC UA, KNX IP, BACnet

• Reliability. Trusted and secure Linux-based operating system

• Connectivity. XAP 1.0 is a server platform for connecting multiple and different devices and sub-systems

• Interoperability. IoT data distribution via MQTT



• Compatible with CODESYS V3: it supports network stacks and local I/O expandability

• 2 Ethernet ports for network separation WAN/LAN

• Customizable web interface, with different access types according to the type of user

• Up to 32 Modbus devices connected to the RS485 port

• Connectible to UWP 3.0 via BACnet or Modbus/TCP

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